Friday, September 27, 2013

Krya Natural Detergent Powder Review/Feedback

I recently bought and used the Krya Natural Detergent Powder. Just thought of writing a review
about the same.

Couple of months back, we bought a washing machine and started using surf excel matic.
The washing quality was good. Somehow I didn't like the chemical smell and was looking
for a natural detergent powder which can be used in washing machines.

Few weeks back, I was browsing through The Hindu website and came across Krya products.

Visited their website on a Sunday and ordered both washing powder and dishwash powder.
Both were nicely packed and delivered on Tuesday. Somehow I was excited to open the pack,
not sure why. Here is the picture:

So far we have used the detergent powder alone. Will write a separate review for dishwash
powder later. Here is a separate picture of detergent powder pack:

I just took half of the detergent powder and put it in a plastic box. Remaining I kept it in the box
itself with a clip. Here is the picture of plastic box.

When we wanted to the washing, I put about 10gm or spoonful of the detergent powder in the bag provided. Here is the picture:

And the kept the bag just inside the drum. As shown here:

Before washing I just took a picture of my socks (it is used generally when
I am at home) just to see the results.

Now you can see Krya and the washing machine in action:

After the washing got over, we removed the bag from the drum and
put the residue in the plant (drum stick seed) we are trying to grow.

Here is the picture of the socks taken sometime in the evening

Overall, I felt the washing quality of both surf excel matic and
krya are same. Since, I was looking for a natural product krya is
right for me.

1 comment:

Preethi Sukumaran said...

Hi there,
I just came across this lovely review - thank you for supporting our work and taking the time to write this article out as well. Do hope the Krya detergent has been treating you well? I'm curious to know how the dishwash worked out for you.